Usually tension, stress or overexertion that accumulate from daily life turns into painful tight, bound up muscle knots. These knots can cause pain in areas surrounding them. The pain then radiates through that point, cascading discomfort to other areas of the body. Trigger points are slow to recover, if ever, because of inadequate or restricted blood flow and oxyen. Warming-up in the instruction manual refers to using light strokes with varying degrees of pressure to promote circulation your tissue to prepare for deeper massage techniques. When your skin starts feeling warm or turning pinkish/ red, you know that you've got blood flowing/ circulating which is the goal. The blood flow and oxygen keep our muscles clean of toxins. When there is not enough blood flow or oxygen to the muscle, toxins accumulate, causing the trigger point.
So, loosening up your muscles with light strokes will help allow your muscles to prepare to receive deeper massage and myofascial release. Immediately when you find the trigger points and press deeply on it, the discomfort and pain that the trigger point was causing you will become intense. In order to release trigger points, there must be enough pressure applied for some time (several seconds to minutes, depending on your tolerance). The pain may dissipate after pressure has been applied to the trigger point. Depending on the severity, you may to need to go back and continually work on it.
When applying pressure to the trigger point, the toxins break down and blood flow carrying oxygen can flow into that area to promote healing. This may cause some soreness to occur afterwards, which is normal, and a sign that you're healing. You may also use the many KOA fingers to apply pressure to specific knots by lying on it, leaning it against the wall, or straight hard back chair.
Some extra tips:
- Drink plenty of water, hydrate frequently. Combine this tool with proper diet and exercise consistently for best and faster results.
- Do not press too hard initially, especially for sensitive skin. Work on increasing pressure gradually as your comfort level allows.
- Use it dry over smooth, thin clothing or with anti-cellulite lotion, massage oil, or pain relief cream on the targeted areas for 2-5 minutes per area. Gradually increase the time as tolerance allows.
- Apply pressure, hold, and wiggle the massage fingers deep into the tight muscles to release tension, then massage side to side or up and down across targeted areas firmly within your comfort level. Use at least once daily. Frequency is subjective based upon personal need, preference and comfort level.
- Depending on the severity of your stiff muscles, you will need to apply enough pressure to release the tight muscles/adhesions, etc. It does hurt, but the more you work the area, the more pain will lessen until it goes away.